Monday, February 23, 2009

Beyonce On Ice....Or Broadway....Or Hollywood...Or Everything

Everyone thought that i was being a "Hater" when i said Beyonce was taking over the world. However they took what i said out of context. I mean, Literally. She's taking over the entertaiment world.

Broadway Musicals?????
Super Hero?????
Next Im sure she will be ice skating to some Disney enchanted princess movie on ice.



Frederic Lumiere said...
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Frederic Lumiere said...
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Anonymous said...

She's spreading herself way too thin, in my opinion, and needs to sit down. This Beyonce fanfare has been put out there ad nauseum and she's a cunt-hair away from being an entertainment hemmrhoid. There's ALWAYS a time in an artist's career where they need to disappear and consequently appreciated more; this is her time.

Amanda Allison said...

At least she looked better on stage than she did on the red carpet! lol

Gallardo Bastardo said...

Beyonce can take over my briefs. Seriously, though, she's still a mediocre/bad actor. I'm totally not psyched to see her in that movie with Idris Elba.